Tag Archives: climate change
What does the climate crisis have to do with business ethics? Many of us in professional services have taken modules in ethics as part of our training and CPD, but many business owners haven’t ever had any training in this area. I am not saying that individuals in professional services are any more ethical than […]
Can you influence change through visible climate actions? I have been contemplating how we can encourage more people to take action to build a better and greener fairer world. Showing people your climate actions is one of the most effective ways to influence change especially when they are tangible changes they can discover for themselves. […]
Are we too apathetic about climate change? Ask someone if they are concerned about climate change, and they’ll usually say ‘yes’. In reality, however, their actions are not those of someone who is genuinely concerned about climate – people often respond positively to the question because they are worried about how they’ll look if they […]
When you talk about climate change in relation to your business, you need to be thinking about two key things: Your effect on the climate and environment in which we live. The impact a changing climate will have on your business under various scenarios: for example, with increases in global temperatures of 1.5, 2.5 and […]